Jersey cows are interesting creatures, and can be very unique compared to the other dairy breeds. Even though they are the smallest breed of dairy cattle, it doesn’t keep them from having some of the biggest personalities.
Here are a few interesting facts about the nature of Jerseys that set them apart from the other dairy breeds:
1- They hang out in groups
2- They are extremely curious. They like to be in the know about everything
They’re kind of nosey
3- They are the cutest babies
Baby De-calf
4- They can be the leaders of the herd
The herd leaders
5- They like playing with their tongues
When you get bored, you have to come up with creative things to do
6- The Jersey bulls make up for their small size with attitude. They are the meanest bulls
Small size, big attitude
7- They are great moms
8- They have the most stylish eyes
9- Are always the instigators and troublemakers
She likes making noise… Lots of noise… Every day (more)
10- Did I mention they’re the cutest
Did I miss any? Leave a comment or tweet me at @dairymoos
Thanks it helped
My favorite for churning butter; today I churned 10 pounds from 2 gallons of cream. Delicious!
Jersey’s are best at making cream
They eat everything, not only the grass in the fields but also the rope that keeps the fence closed, the hose that feeds their drinking supply and the electrical system of the tractor ( while I was busy rescueing one off them that fell in a ditch filled with water.) Thougt that they had a lack of minerals but they have the possibilty to lick minerals all day from several big buckets in the pasture but still they eat eat and lick everything.
Yeah, I thought the same about a mineral deficiency, but it seems like its just their nature – We had a barn with wooden beams and they chew on them. They even chew and suck on the metal pipes of the fences. You can see a video on my youtube channel
We start building a new barn in october. Think I will pay extra attention to the things they can chew on like for example milkrobots.
Mine eats anything She can get her hands on. She is 4 months old now and keeping things out of the reach of her tongue is getting harder and harder. THEY MAKE GREAT HORSES. my little girl HarleyQuinn does show jumping. The video is old as she is 4 months now. She jumps much better now. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UloIxSLT3ss
lol, super cute
Jersey cows, store Copper most efficiently. The Most Resilient Cow, and By Far The Best Producers.
Interesting bit about the copper, I didn’t know that
When i was a rural postman i lost quite a few wing mirrors at a farm that had Jerseys Quite embaresing explaining to he mechanics .
Are heifer jersey cows the top cows that kick? @Dairymoos
Yeah, the Jerseys seem to have more energy lol
Good breed really
I have one Jersey cow and two herrfordsand the Jersey cow just has her own attitude she follows me everywhere chews everything in siteshe is always getting into trouble the other two were just as bad they pretty much will eat anything they have been eating the seat on my ride on mower if I catch them I have to chase them away but I’m slowly losing my seat but the jersey cows are awesome I have had mine since over 3 weeks old and seeing them grow into such a large beautiful animal is just awesome they are so smart affectionate and extremely cheeky
Timonen, a lot of talking. When the numbers were against he would run. In my opinion three aggressive behavior has to deal with survival in a domesticated situation. Dog analogy, would not be an accurate representation due to breading.
Timonen, a lot of talking. When the numbers were against he would run. In my opinion three aggressive behavior has to deal with survival in a domesticated situation. Dog analogy, would not be an accurate representation due to breading. Butt heads over something….