The classic act of Photobombing– Photobombing is when someone accidentally or purposely puts oneself into the view of a photograph, usually to play a practical joke on the photographer or the subject.
One thing I’ve learned is that cows really enjoy this art form. They like to have fun. Here are 10 times that I was photobombed by the cows around our farm and the farms I was touring:
1. This Cow would not Stop
Can’t stop, wont stop
2. Whos Photobombing Who in this One
The differences in personality
3. I was just trying to get a picture of her milking
4. On a dairy tour and this happened
The cows are out trolling
5. It doesn’t get any worse than this
6. My sister had no idea
7. Jerseys are Stars
They want to be in all the pictures
8. The baby Calves do it too
9. And the Jerseys…
Are pros at it
I love cows and horses and all livestock so it’s funny to see them photobombing you!! #loldairydude!
Cows have a good sense of humor 😉
get her bucked