Home Dairy Cows Interesting Facts about Cows

Interesting Facts about Cows


Random and interesting facts about cows

At first glance, cows might seem to be simple animals, but they’re not! Cows are fascinating animals. For instance did you know that cows can smell something up to 6 miles away, or that cows can produce 125 lbs. of saliva in one day. Here’s a list of interesting facts:

  1. Cows are social animals, and they naturally form large herds. And like people, they will make friends and bond to some herd members, while avoiding others
  2. Cows are red-green colorblind. In a bullfight, its the waving of the cape that attracts the bull not the red color
  3. A cow’s heart beats between 60 and 70 beats per minute
  4. Cows can hear lower and higher frequencies better than humans.
  5. An average dairy cow weighs about 1,200 pounds.
  6. A cows normal body temperature is 101.5°F.
  7. The average cow chews at least 50 times per minute.
  8. The typical cow stands up and sits down about 14 times a day.
  9. An average cow has more than 40,000 jaw movements in a day.
  10. Cows actually do not bite grass; instead they curl their tongue around it.
  11. Cows have almost total 360-degree panoramic vision.
  12. Cows have a single stomach, but four different digestive compartments.
  13. Cows are pregnant for 9 months just like people
  14. A dairy cow can produce 125 lbs. of saliva a day
  15. Cows spend 8 hours per day eating, 8 hours chewing her cud (regurgitated, partially digested food), and 8 hours sleeping
  16. You can lead a cow upstairs, but not downstairs. Cows knees can’t bend properly to walk downstairs.
  17. Cows can’t vomit
  18. The average cow drinks 30 to 50 gallons of water each day
  19. The average cow produces 70 lbs. of milk. That’s 8 gallons per day!
  20. Cows only have teeth on the bottom
  21. Cows have a great sense of smell. They can smell something up to 6 miles away
  22. Dairy cows are economic job creating machines! 1 dairy cow creates 4 full time jobs in the local community
  23. A Holstein’s spots are like a fingerprint. No two cows have exactly the same pattern of black and white spots. They are all different
  24. The average cow will eat about 100 lbs. of feed per day

Let me Know!

Which facts did you find the most interesting or surprising? Let me know in the comments below


    • Ya, I found out the hard way. When I was young and training my calves for fair, I tried leading her down the barn steps. Fail

    • This article is disgusting the way you talk about them being job making machines! You left out the fact yhag they are constantly breed to make all
      That milk for selfish humans which means constantly impregnating them then taking their babies away in the first 24 hours either to turn them into another milk making machine or the males get ripped away from their mothers and sent to a veal farm to live in a tiny hit until death! They put rings in the babies noses so they can’t drink their mothers milk which helps them
      Bond! Who needs secretions from an animal meant for her babies when we have tins of alternatives available now? It’s pure cruelty and is grosss! Milk contains mostly puss cells about 80% that you can’t see along with blood that can’t fully be strained out. It’s all dyed with white food gel coloring to make it more appealing to people. Disgusting isn’t it? Don’t buy the lies about “happy cows” they are not happy to happy their babies taken from them so humans can drink their bodily fluids! Gross!

      • Working with the cows to produce food for people is not selfish- I address your misinformation in other posts. If you think biology is gross, you haven’t studied all the toxins, pesticides, and herbicides that are naturally in plants. Not to mention the antinutrients which bind to nutrients preventing you from absorbing them. If you aren’t grossed out by plants, maybe you are grocer

      • Natasha where do you get your information? If you educated yourself about dairy farming you’d realize that every one of your arguments is false, especially the ones about milk quality.

      • acually they are used to keep you alive and we do not do that we let them stay with teir mothers so don’t say that if you do not know a darn thing so do not say that

      • you need to calm down and just take a deep deep breath and get off this site you obviously dont know how to keep your thoughts to yourself, we get that you have strong feelings about cows but keep it in your pants lady

      • Hey, Natasha look what I found in an article about cows and the site was .gov. THERE IS NO PUS IN MILK. Boom Facts.

      • While Natasha may not have all her facts straight, there is no doubt that humans cause an unimaginable amount of suffering to animals in our food chain. There may be many considerate and caring dairy farmers out there, but for each good one, I’d bet there is a bad one, or one that doesn’t really care. And Natasha is 100% correct about veal calves, how they are ripped from their mother and locked down in a pen until they are killed. You cannot deny that…fucking humans…

  1. If cows cannot walk downstairs how do they get off the top deck of a truck. I heard cows are color blind so they do not know if you are wearing red. Bulls I mean.

    • Good catch George, I did some more research. Cows can see most colors, but they are red-green colorblind

  2. How intelligent and sensitive are cows? Do you think it bothers them to be in the mud or cold? Do they like humans? I’m 47 and live next to a farm in Westtown, NY….see my cow pals all the time. And I always think about these things when I go past “my” farm.

    • Hi Barbara,

      That’s awesome that you get to see cows all the time. I know many people don’t have that opportunity. That’s why I started this blog so people could see pictures of cows!

      To answer your questions, I think cows are pretty intelligent, and some like people. It really depends though. I think it’s like all animals; some are smarter than others and some like people more than others. Each one has a unique personality.

      I don’t think the cold or mud bothers them much. Cows actually prefer colder temperatures, and can withstand some pretty cold weather. If you think about it, they are wearing leather coats. They actually love mud. Whenever there is a wet spot in their pens, they will stand in it. I think they probably think it’s a good way to cool off. Muds not good though, so we try to keep them clean and dry.

        • They dont sweat like humans but they will sweat mostly through their noses. And another cool fact is if you drink cows milk in a sense you are drinking their sweat because milk is produced out of a modified sweat gland also known as a mammary gland

          • I don’t think that’s true because sweat glands are biologically different than mammary glands. Any biologists want to tackle this one?

  3. Haha, pretty amazing stuff. I’ve always loved cows. I’m getting my DVM soon and I’ve been thinking about specializing in livestock.

  4. I’m so amazed that cows can percieve the smell of something up to six (6) miles away….I mean I did’nt know that before now; its so amazing.

      • Most of the negative things you hear about animal agriculture come from people who have no idea what is actually going on. Some things might look bad but they are for the best interest of the animal. As a farmer our one goal is to raise happy healthy livestock. The happier the animal the faster they grow the more they will produce!

        • YES! i totally agree with you. Most people who say the negative stuff don’t always know what they are talking about, they don’t see the good they only see the bad. I grew up showing dairy cattle, and i still am. i absolutely love dairy cattle. most people don’t know what they are talking about when they are saying the negative things, most dairy farmers wouldn’t hurt one of their animals, most of them are probably like pets. they are kept in barns for their own protecting, not to keep them locked up like prisoners.

    • I have cows and what we do with our calfs is if the mother needs help that is the only time we will help them ( with birth ). Then when they are born if it is the winter we will rub them is straw and pop them in the shed ( mother and calf ). But if it is the summer or autum ( i think it is fall in america ) the mother will lick the placenta off of their calf and then the calf will try and stand up. But will probably fall over then they get the hang of it and get up and have a drink from the mothers milk.Then we tag them you might have seen them if you have seen cows that is the yellow thing on their ears ( and don’t worry it does not hurt them it is like getting their ears peirced. Then if they are male we will go to the mart with them and sell them. ( only when they are 7-8 months old ). But if they are female we will wheane them ( that mean put them in a feild away from there mothers) for the summer. Then in the winter we will take the mothers off of the hill ( where they stay in the summer) and the girls out of the feild and into our feild where they will stay for the rest of the year and that is basically what we do our ones people do it different ways but they don’t get hurt.

    • Well, they do chew grass, but they use their tongue to pull it when grazing. They don’t use their teeth

      • Yeah, because they only have teeth on the bottom and it would be hard to chew. Even though they do chew the cud.

  5. I think it must be true about a cow’s sense of smell. I just did a massive dump with my window open and the cows next door ran to the other side of the field

  6. Hi Dairy Guy, I love cows too!
    Fact 1. says cows are social animals. Would you say they were ‘sentient’? Would you say they have feelings? Are they social in the same way as humans? Would you say they have human-like qualities?

    • We, as humans, tend to try to understand things comparing things to ourselves, but what if it is us that have cow-like qualities lol

      • In the mid-1800s, the early Jersey cows weighed about 600 pounds, maybe 700, and produced around 7 gallons of milk a day. By around 1975, through the magic of selective breeding and computerized feeding schedules, the Holstein-Friesian weighed in at 1,750 pounds and was putting out over 19 gallons a day!
        Does this dramatic transformation in size sound natural to you and how has the cow personally benefited, not its greedy human enslavers?

        • Now you’re making things up. You realize that Jersey cows and Holstein cows are different breeds right. Jerseys are about 1,000 lbs. and Holsteins are about 1,200 lbs. Cows do vary in size but those are the breed averages and have been even in the 1800s. 7 gallons is about 60 lbs of milk per day, close to todays average of 70 lbs… 19 gallons is 163 lbs. perhaps a possible achievement for the top producing cow in the world, but not average. Genetic differences are natural though within a specie…

  7. If fact Dairy Guy, I have a few question regarding your list of facts…
    Fact 8. says a typical cow stands up and sits down about 14 times a day. I thought that industrially farmed dairy cows can be stuck in cage like traps with their heads over a feeding trough? Is that right? Do those dairy cows get to sit down 14 times a day like yours?

    • that is incorrect, the ones you mention are locked into place for aprox an hour while’st eating, so their feed intake is rationed and health checks are performed. fed lot cows lay down more because they dont have to walk around for their feed. every km they walk they loose one liter of milk and the same if they dont get to lay down.

      • Ok, so Danny admits they are confined while eating. Sounds cruel and unnatural. Sorry Dairy Guy, is Danny some authority on the subject? I don’t know him. Do you?
        My question was a genuine one because the dairy industry you describe is very different to the one I have read about. If you are calling me naive because ‘Danny’ has spoken then you need to back that up? While you are at it, please explain what Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) are and how they work? Thanks

        • Cows are free to roam, but there are stantions that can be locked so health checks can be done with the veterinarian. The cows can eat while they are locked. Instead of trying to chase cows down and rope them on a horse as in the old days (which is stressful for the cows), cows can instead be restrained in a very low stress, humane, way. Typically they are not locked very long and they don’t even notice because it is time they would have spent eating anyways.

          • Be honest Dairy Guy, not all cows are free to roam. I assume you know what Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) are but you failed to explain them. Please tell your audience what they are, how they work and what the benefits to the industry are.

            • CAFO is a derogatory way to say farm.. All farms are CAFO, but the reality is that Farms are nothing more than bovine villages.

          • The first thing that comes up when the term ‘Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation’ is Googled:
            “In the terminology of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) is an animal feeding operation (AFO) that (a) confines animals for more than 45 days during a growing season, (b) in an area that does not produce vegetation, and (c) meets certain size thresholds.”

            • Yes, a farm. So some guys in a room get together and decide to make something sound really complicated. I’m sure you’ve heard of the DHMO (Dihydrogen Monoxide) and its dangers. It is also known as hydroxyl acid, and is the major component of acid rain. It causes burns in some instances, is used in nuclear power plants, is an ingredient in many junk foods, and has been found in the tumors of terminal cancer patients. Thousands of people die each year from direct exposure to concentrated forms of DHMO also known as water.

  8. Fact 18. says The average cow drinks 30 to 50 gallons of water each day. Wow!! That sounds like really bad news for the environment? Does that also include the water that goes into growing their feed? Surely this can’t be an efficient use of water?

    • Animals have a right to exist and drink water. It might seem like a lot, but they are converting water to protein and fat. Nessarary nutrients for life. You cannot exist on water alone. Cows are part of this world and have been since the creation of this world. Eliminating them would be a tragedy..

      • Cows have not existed since the formation of the Earth 4.5 billion years ago. No, they evolved over millions of years and are our distant relatives… I thought you knew about science??
        It’s interest you say animals have a RIGHT to exist when you force breed them for your own purpose, entrap them, exploit them and then end their lifes early. Tell me about their RIGHTS to exist again?

        • Cows would breed and produce milk even if there weren’t any humans- so using frames like that is nonsensical and logically invalid. Are humans forcing plants to live in unnatural environments when they plant them in the city or exploiting them when they plunder their fruits? Using words that prescribe motive only explain your beliefs (how you feel) about reality; not actual real-life (factual).

          • ALL mammals, including cows… and humans, breed and produce milk for their young given the opportunity; it’s an evolved survival instinct. That’s not the same as artificially breeding cows by the million specifically to extract and sell their milk for profit.
            You say “Animals have a right to exist…” yet you take away that right when YOU end their lives early and deliberately – you’re not making sense??

            • Animals will breed and produce milk whether they are in a vegan society or not so what is your point. In India- a largely vegetarian society- there are over 1 Billion cows while the US only has 9 Million dairy cows. We feed our whole population with only 9 million dairy cows while the 1 billion cows in India are largely unproductive. When the cows in India stop producing milk, the farmers will set them free because they aren’t allowed to kill them but the farmers can’t afford to feed them because it costs money. So the cows end up roaming and living on the streets eating garbage, etc. whatever they can find. Hardly as comfortable as the lives the US cows are living with push barns, comfortable beds, and nutritionally balanced food delivered to them.

  9. Fact 19. says The average cow produces 70 lbs. of milk. That’s 8 gallons per day! Wowza!! That sounds a huge amount for the poor cow. Is that a natural amount of milk for a mother cow to produce to feed her calf or have humans selectively bred dairy cows to have unnaturally large udders?

    • Pretty amazing right, it does sound like a lot but perspectively -70 lbs is about 8 gallons of milk. Cows are milked 3 times per day so they are carrying at most 2.5 gallons or 20 lbs.. A cow weighs approx 1,200 lbs. so 20 lbs. in reality, is not that much for her to carry. Comparing to a person of 180lbs, it’s like carrying 3 lbs.. Breeding wise, farmers select bulls that will make udders stronger. Breeding has focused on the whole animal to improve body composition, strength, and durability. Interestingly, when the whole cow is improved, it results in more milk. Basically because of good health, she can produce more. Udder size has actually gotten smaller over the years.

      • Thank you for confirming that it is in fact an unnaturally large amount of milk for a mother cow to produce for her calf by admitting that dairy farmers have selectively bred cows to have “stronger” (larger?) udders which produce more milk? Did I understand that right?
        So according to you Dairy Guy, cows produce more milk than they used to but have smaller udders, right? That’s magic! How is that physically possible? Makes little sense… are you familiar with the expression “you can’t get a quart into a pint pot!”

        • I just proved that it is not unnatural. If you took a lactation physiology class, you may be able to understand how milk production actually works. You can indeed have more milk from a smaller, stronger udder.

    • Cows can produce than more than 70 pounds a day. I had one cow that would produce at least 70 pounds per milking. We milked 2 times a day.

  10. Fact 22. says Dairy cows are economic job creating machines! 1 dairy cow creates 4 full time jobs in the local community. I just read there are 9 million dairy cows in the US alone, that’s 36 million jobs created by cows according to your stats Dairy Guy. That sounds a lot. Is that right? I can’t imagine the poor cow knows or cares much about human job creation… just saying. I know it’s a bit different, but the slave trade created thousands and thousands of jobs and those involved said this was a good thing at the time. I guess they were proved wrong.

    • Yes, cows have had a big impact on humanity, from work to nutrition. People often don’t see the value of their existence, but cows are the foster mothers of the human race. Many people don’t know that.

  11. …otherwise some nice facts there Dairy Guy. I particularly like the one about the stairs and that no two cows are the same; they are all different – just like humans!!

  12. Yes Dairy Guy, cows have had a huge impact on modern man, probably only second to the horse. Man learned how to harness and exploit these two placid herbivores to further his own end. I hope you can appreciate that I value their place in mans modern evolution, because I do. However, it is a very different world we live in today where we no longer need a horse for transport or to provide power. No, we have machines to do this. In exactly the same way, we no longer need to exploit cows for food or leather. It sounds so blindingly obvious when you think about it…

    • So we recognize that the cow has helped humanity throughout the ages, but then you say cows are outdated and we don’t need them. Take your factory produced soy beverage to replace milk and factory assembled “food product.” Soon you can upload your consciousness to the internet and exist on dark energy lol

      • I most certainly did not say cows were outdated Dairy Guy, naughty, and yes, we most definitely do need cows in our world. I simply implied that we no longer HAVE to exploit them for their power, leather or for food to survive. Alternatives exist. Cows used to pull the plough, now the farmer uses a tractor, etc. you know the rest…
        I think cows are very ‘now’; they are gorgeous, placid, friendly animals and deserve a much better life than being held captive on a dairy farm, one free of toil and exploitation. Clearly that’s where we differ…

        • You said we no longer need cows..because we don’t need them. Oh and because they are polluting the earth..

          • No I didn’t. I said “we no longer need to exploit cows for food or leather”. Take a look, it’s written right above! re-read it then have another go at answering me properly… making stuff up isn’t helping your cause

  13. Whoa, now hang on a minute Dairy Guy, you appear to know your stuff, but please answer me this:
    According to statistics, between 1960 and 2008 total U.S. milk production rose from 120 billion pounds to 190 billion pounds while the number of dairy cows shrank from 18 million animals to 8.5 million. So milk factory yield was up 2.5 times what it was 50 years previous. Is this right?
    Selective breeding as you describe it sounds unnatural and awful for the cow. Is this done to maximise milk production? Bigger stronger cows = more milk?
    I’ve seen dairy cows with udders the size of space hoppers, where the cow can hardly walk. They are virtually disabled and seem in pain. Do cows like this really exist?

    • Interesting statistics right, yes, 9 million dairy cows today produced 59% more milk than 25 million dairy cows in 1944. This means the carbon footprint of dairy farming has shrunk over 63%. But even with the advancement in sustainability, it is not hurting cows as I pointed out. Cows are actually just getting better and more balanced. Stronger does not mean bigger, and cows today are trending smaller. The ancestors of the cows were over 3,300 lbs. while today at 1,200 lbs. When you talk about the cows with the big udders, those are cows who have not had good breeding. They are the worst performers, the ones that need to be improved genetically. They are not the cows setting milk records and were more common in the past than today. I will show in a future post how cows looked in the past and today so you can see for yourself.

      • The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from industrial scale cow farming (both beef and dairy) are alarmingly high aren’t they Dairy Guy? Animal Factory Farming accounts for around 14% of all GHG emissions according to recent figures. I can’t believe you think this is okay.
        Quoting a cow’s ancestry to support your claim that cows have become smaller when the reality is they have been selectively bred to be considerably bigger than 50 years ago, is dubious to say the least. There used to be some very large creatures on this earth which man hunted to extinction. An easy example; it used to be common to catch tuna fish 3m long. Now your average tuna caught is around 1m. Is this your idea of “trending smaller”?
        Bingo!!! So you admit that there are cows with ginormous udders out there. That’s right, they are bred specifically for industrial scale factory farming no question. Quick cheap milk, kill ’em when they’re spent, that’s the deal. You would serve your cause better DG by attacking immoral factory farming practices rather than trying to defent the dairy industry as a whole.

        • No they aren’t – Blaming cows for pollution is a scapegoat case. That figure is wrong, Carbon footprint of dairies is 63% less than in the past. Cows are a natural part of the world and so are other animals. The “waste” they produce is nutrients for the soil. Let me ask you, are there humans with large mammaries, to say they are unnatural is offensive. Genetic diversity exists in all specie. However farmers are trying to bring better balance to animals. You always try to make farmers seem greedy, but economically, taking care of cows makes the most economical sense..

          • I’m not blaming innocent cows for contributing towards global warming silly, I’m blaming industrial scale meat and dairy farmers; it is extremely well documented as a subject’ there is no denying it; it is irrefutable. So, a climate-change denier too Dairy Guy, you really don’t surprise me!
            Of course there are ladies out there with large breasts, just like there are tall people or red haired people too. Wow, how did they get that way Dairy Guy? It’s like magic! You do understand how evolution works right, and that ‘selective breeding’ is something completely different altogether?
            Tell me, if you wanted to create an entire sub-species of women with ginormous breasts, how would you go about it Dairy Guy? Please explain the selective gene process including artificial insemination…
            Good to see you admit you are motivated by money

            • Farms are the cows, cows are the farms- that argument makes no sense. Farms are living, breathing ecosystems of biodiversity. They are alive and connected to the local ecology. The “waste” the cows produce is applied to surrounding fields which grow crops. It is sustainable and renewable. Can there be improvements, of course! Researchers have found ways of turning the gas cows produce into electricity and natural gas. I just read an article that turns pig waste into ingredients for roads. Everything produced on a farm can be used, even the “waste”. To say farms are the major polluter in this world is naïve and you are living in denial. It makes us feel better to say it’s the cows fault, but that won’t solve the problems cause by ourselves.. I’ll let you indulge yourself in the mammary scenario. Tall people get tall drinking milk. Go read my article https://www.dairymoos.com/drinking-milk-makes-you-taller/

  14. Hey Dairy Guy, here are 8 more great facts about cows courtesy of our friends at ChooseVeg.com

    1. Cows like to sleep close to their families, and their sleeping arrangements reflect their respective rankings in the social hierarchy.
    2. Cows have great memories, and can learn and respond to their names.
    3. Like humans, cows form close friendships. They choose to spend much of their time with two to four preferred companions.
    4. Cows get excited when they solve problems, and have a similarly happy response to being released after a long period of confinement.
    5. The first few minutes after birth can mark the beginning of a lifelong bond between a mother cow and her calf. Cows carry their young for nine months and they suckle them for nine to twelve months, much like human mothers.
    6. Cows love music! A quick Google search will easily garner dozens of videos showing musicians serenading appreciative cows.
    7. Research shows that a mother cow’s calls are individualized—she has a different call for each of her calves.
    8. Cows can live anywhere from 15 to 25 years! And the oldest recorded cow, Big Bertha, lived to be 48!!

    While cows have demonstrated that they are intelligent, sensitive creatures deserving of protection, factory farmers treat them as meat- and milk-producing machines.

  15. Actually, cows can walk down stairs it just looks Awkward and difficult. They’d rather have a hill where they can take smaller steps. Also, cows do have teeth on the top of their mouth they’re just in the back. Take it from a 4th generation dairy girl from Washington State 🙂

  16. not sure why but am trying to find out, but cows like the name George and if you call it out to them 9 times out of 10 they will look up at you.

  17. So that fight between you and Badger was intense. I strongly agree with badger, although The Dairy Guy you had some brilliant facts which i found really interesting. Thank you.

    • lol we just have different perspectives and I appreciate the discussion. But as a farmer, I feel it’s like someone across the street telling me what is wrong with my garden when i’m standing right in front of it and working in it everyday

  18. Hey Dairy Guy, Just learn to value life, instead of murdering animals. God created cows and no one including YOU has the right to kill cows to make money for themselves. Get yourself into an honorable way of making a living, not at the expense of animals. There is no way of justifying the murder of animals in this day and age. We don’t need to do that to have healthy diets.

    • Truck drivers, farmers, milk plant workers, veterinarians, distributors, nutritionists, grocery store workers, etc. It is the multiplier effect, the economic effect that one cow can contribute to the local economy

      • Jobs? But at what cost? Cows are the victims here as they are horribly exploited. Can we use your same unsophisticated argument about ‘jobs’ to justify the fossil-fuel and tobacco industries too, even though we know they are massively harmful for us and our environment? Can we afford to ignore common sense, science, medicine and questions of morality, simply because… ‘jobs’?
        The reality is that without the milk industry, the majority of jobs you mention would still exist, growing, processing, distributing and selling plant-based cruelty-free products instead.

          • I was dissing your (non) point about ‘human’ job creation and you know it, but hey, great attempt at humour DG, assuming that’s what is was.
            No, the “cow exploitation” to which I refer concerns not their working hours but the repeated forced invasive insemination, the cruel separation of calves from their mothers, the mass-murder of millions of unwanted male calves and a guaranteed early violent death at just a quarter of their natural age, but I suspect you knew that and deliberately chose to dodge the real issue.
            Jobs exist in the dairy industry because cows are exploited on a massive scale. It really is that simple and in my opinion jobs are not justifiable at any cost.

            • Jobs exist in dairy because cows require good care. It is a lot of work to make sure she gets what she needs- Perhaps we are the ones conned into slavery

              • Any ‘care’ or ‘welfare’ you show your cows is totally 100% motivated by your desire to commercially exploit them. You don’t spend your time or money looking after cows unless there’s a return in it, right? Why would you? After all, cows aren’t pets right? They are commodities; your property, to do with as you please. I see right through your fake claims of compassion. Decent people do not pretend to be compassionate towards animals that they intend exploiting and killing. That’s messed up thinking. Your pretence is specifically designed to deceive but you don’t fool me DG.
                It really is hilarious how you spin the truth, making out that Mrs Cow wants and loves to be with you on your happy farm, having a great time, getting you to run around after her, feeding her, taking her for walks, giving her lovely living and sleeping conditions etc. Wow, what a lucky cow she must be to live such a privileged life with such a great compassionate guy as you. You are the victim here Dairy Guy (as you like to pretend to everyone) because you clearly work for free and it’s actually Mrs Cow who exploits YOU… hahahahaha… genius!
                Can you see how ridiculous you’re sounding? I can, and I’m sure other can too

                • Lol, It’s funny that you’re are telling me what my motives are instead of asking. Under your definition you don’t love your wife you are exploiting her because you get things out of the relationship- love, companionship, children, etc. Symbiosis is part of this world. No species lives independent of each other and everything is integrated. You can’t live without symbiosis to other beings. example- bacteria in your gut help you digest food

  19. im a ranchers daughter and im doing a report on eneything so im doin good and ididdent know eney of that i lurend alot. so thanks


  20. One of the moreimpressive blogs I’ve read. Thanks so much for keeping the internet classy for a change. You’ve got style. I mean it. Please keep it up because without thenet is definitely lacking in intelligence.

  21. hi dairy guy,I wanted some interesting facts on a domesic animal for my brothers project.I had listen a lot about your blog so I chose cows and this information was very useful for me.THANK YOU IF YOU READ MY COMMENT THEN REPLY PLEASE.

  22. Do any of you guys have cows? I am a horse lover, and want to be a farmer when I grow up, and think that owning at least one cow is the first step. So if you do have a cow, can I have some advice please?

    • I really need some and I have been reading all of the facts on this website over and over again! I love you, dairy dude! But I still need some advice on da ccooooowwsss…..

    • Hello- yeah cows are pretty fun. I would start by getting a young cow that is 4-6months old. They will be much easier to care for and then you can see them grow. They will eat pasture grass (if you have a good pasture) or you can feed them alfalfa and oat hay. As long as you have some good quality hays, You shouldn’t need to feed your cow any grain until she is milking. Raising a cow is similar to a horse really so I’m sure you will figure it out. But let me know what other questions you have

  23. Well I don’t have a question but it’s kind of interesting. The only interesting here is the one with numbers cause it’s like math and I think you should put more but other than that, well done!

  24. LOVE THIS WEBSITE! Just tried walking my pet cow, George down the stairs and she did it with no effort! I was sat here, looking at my cows and horses and wondering… can you ride a cow? From, Wales!

    • I ride my steer, Prince Rilian. I have taught him English jumping and dressage, and a lot of western. He cuts like an actual cutting horse. He will rear up when I tell him to also.

      So, funny thing, I am traumatized by lightning/ thunder. Once I was riding Prince and suddenly a huge thunder/lightning storm came up. He was totally chill even though I was freaking out. I ended up passing out. It was raining REALLY hard and I only had a muscle shirt on. It was also really cold. We were way out in the woods, and he carried me(still passed out) back to his barn and inside the shelter. He stood there until I came to. Since then, he has been my best friend, even out of humans. cows are the best.

    • You can if the cow is big enough to support you. You don’t want to hurt her back. There is a girl on YouTube who rides a cow because her family wouldn’t buy her a horse. She taught the cow everything a horse can do

  25. acually they are used to keep you alive and we do not do that we let them stay with teir mothers so don’t say that if you do not know a darn thing so do not say that

        • You have a very strange idea of ‘love’… as well as cows I also love elephants and polar bears but I don’t financially support them, unless you include charitable donations. So, the cows you show ‘love’ for by financially supporting them, are they pets or chattels? How do you treat these animals after 4 or 5 years of near constant milking? …I know, you slaughter them! You have a very different idea of love to me and I guess when you mention ‘financial support’ in relation to ‘love’ you mean investment, exploitation and profit

          • You do not care about cows because you don’t financially support any. If you really cared about the animals, you would have some to save them from slaughter. But don’t worry, not many vegans actually care about animals. Veganism is just about moral superiority or an identity factor

            • “You do not care about cows because you don’t financially support any” …is probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say Dairy Guy. I live in an apartment block and donate thousands to an animal sanctuary that saves abused and discarded cows from dairy farms like yours.
              “But don’t worry, not many vegans actually care about animals” Could this be true? Do all those millions of people who actively avoid animal products really not care about animals? How does that even make sense?. I think your other readers should be allowed to judge for themselves the validity of your comments, maybe question your credibility and if they come to the conclusion that you simply make stuff up, question why you would do such a thing. Perhaps you are motivated to spread lies about vegans. Perhaps the demise of the dairy industry scares you. Perhaps you fear exposure and change?
              “Veganism is just about moral superiority or an identity factor” …and dairy farming is just about exploiting animals for money …sorry if I’m coming across as ‘judgy’ from my moral high-ground

  26. So, just quick, the one where it says that cows can’t do down stairs is false. That’s how we milk. We have raised platforms with stairs on them. When the cows come in the barn, they walk on to the platform that theirs, and we milk them. Then, as soon as we take the machine off, they walk down the stairs in the front.

  27. I think everything wrote was actually very logical. But, think abiut this,
    suppose you added a little information? I aam noot suggedsting ylur content isn’t solid,
    but supposee yyou added something that grabbed a person’s attention? I mesan Interesting Facts about
    Cows | Daiory Mooos iss a litttle boring.
    Youu ccould loopk att Yahoo’s front page and see how
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    click. Yoou might aadd a video oor a pic or two too
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