How Dairy Moos will be improved!
To start fresh this year, I decided to think about three simple things I could do to make my blog better. I decided that I would try to be more regular in blogging, post more pictures and video, and be more transparent in what happens at the dairy farm.
1 – More Regular Postings
So my goal is to post at least one new posting every week. So check back regularly this year to learn more about dairy farming. Or you can subscribe to my blog by entering your email. If you subscribe you will have the new posting sent directly to your email. It’s pretty handy!
2 – More Pictures/ Video
I also hope to be able to post more pictures and video from the farm than the previous two years. With the propagation of smart phones, capturing pictures and video is easier than ever before.
In searching the web, I find there really aren’t many pictures of real dairy cows. So consider Dairy Moos as your source for dairy pictures and video. I will give you a realistic peek into farm life.
I post a lot of pictures on other social media platforms though. So if you haven’t found me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Tumbler definitely look me up! Just click the icons!
**Visit Dairy Moos on these Social Media sites. Click the Icons above to go to Dairy Moos page on these sites**
3 – More Transparency
One of my other goals for 2012 to be more transparent in the goings on at our dairy farm. I think people are genuinely interested in what happens at the dairy farm regarding animal care and welfare. Dairymen do an excellent job at taking care of the cows. Their livelihoods depend on the animals so there is no hesitation in providing the animals with the most care and attention.
Judging from the popularity of some of the posting on this site, people are interested in my perspective about the dairy industry, and are curious to know more. So if you have any questions, or ideas that you think would improve my blog, just let me know. You can send me an email anytime at s@dairymoos.com!
I intend to post more about our dairy farming too this year – I’ll be interested in reading about yours too – to see the difference between dairy farming in your neck of the woods and ours.