Wubbzy’s New Friend
So you might be wondering, whatever happened to Wow Wow Wubbzy, Wubbzy, Wubbzy Wow Wow, the smallest calf with the longest name. Wubbzy was actually quite the popular calf back in his prime, and even rose to celebrity status when the creator or the real Wow Wow Wubbzy show took notice last year.
Wow Wow Wubbzy was our farm pet, and he even went to the county fair. Even though he didn’t win at the fair, he was still immensely popular with everyone who visited him there.
These days Wubbzy has outgrown his cuteness, and is really quite mean. He is fully grown now, and very ferocious. I try to avoid his pen these days.
**Wubbzy, full grown and one mean old bull**
**Did I mention mean.. Watch out!**
The good news is that there is another little Jersey bull that has taken attempted to take Wubbzy’s place. Billy is a little bull that my youngest sister has made her pet.
**Billy, he kind of looks like Wubbzy**
Billy was signed up to go to the fair this year, but he couldn’t go this year. Billy just had too much ringworm. It was really quite unfortunate. On the upside, Billy has gotten rid of his ringworm, and has healthy skin. He didn’t even need to use Proactive Solution 😉
**Billy, earlier this year. The gray patch is his ringworm**
**Having fun with Billy**
Unfortunately Billy will also grow-up, and that’s a fact will probably be the most difficult thing for my sister. In the meantime, she’s having a lot of fun with him while he grows to be as big and strong as Wow Wow Wubbzy.
**Billy, growing just as fast a Wubbzy did**