Chocolate Milk can become an Addiction
I’ve been struggling with my addiction for the past 10 years, and have never quite conquered it. The addiction that I am talking about is chocolate milk. I will admit that I am addicted to chocolate milk. Every morning around 10:30 or 11:00, I need to take a quick chocolate milk break to satisfy the craving. The cows must simply wait. I never knew that you could be addicted, but it’s happened and my day is ruined if I don’t have any. Even so, I am not really struggling against the addiction to chocolate milk noting it’s probably one of the best addictions you could have.
Why Its a good Addiction
Milk is a great source of protein, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin B12, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, niacin, and other beneficial nutrients and consists of the perfect blend of carbohydrates and protein. Milk was designed to maximize the absorption of these nutrients to the milk drinker. I find it strange that when people need to refuel they would turn to sports drinks like Gatorade and Vitamin Water. While these drinks may be a good way to refuel, why would you not use nature’s natural vitamin water, milk?
Researchers are only beginning to recognize the health benefits of milk. I took this excerpt from Web MD, click here for the full article:
The combination of carbohydrates and protein in low-fat chocolate milk appears to be “just right” for refueling weary muscles, says William Lunn, PhD, an exercise scientist at the University of Connecticut. Post-exercise muscle biopsies showed increased skeletal muscle protein synthesis — a sign that muscles were better able to rebuild — after the milk drink, compared with the carb-only beverage.
Additionally, drinking fat-free chocolate milk led to a higher concentration of glycogen, or muscle fuel, in muscles 30 and 60 minutes after exercise, compared with the sports drink. Replenishing glycogen after exercise helps future performance, Lunn says.
A Chocolate Milk Diet
Besides refueling after workouts, milk has many other health benefits. Do you want to know the secret to staying thin? I’m pretty skinny even though my diet is largely based on milk and other dairy products. Even though I consume a lot of dairy, I am not overweight, and I do believe that there is a connection to dairy products. The protein in the milk helps you lose fat and build muscle. Dave Zinczenko, secret president of the Manly Man Conference, editor of Men’s Health magazine, and the author of the Abs Diet books, has recently published an article on ‘The Chocolate Milk Diet.’ Dave advises consuming 3 8-ounce servings of chocolate milk daily – one after you wake up, another before you exercise, and the last right after you exercise – to ‘help you drop lots of belly flab fast. Click here for the article from Yahoo Health. Some pretty interesting stuff.
So even though it’s a strange addiction, chocolate milk may be one of the healthiest addictions you could have. There may be many people who disagree with recent studies that cite chocolate milk as being good for you, but I will continue drinking chocolate milk. I would much rather drink a beverage that nature prepared, than a drink that was formulated in a factory laboratory. Besides I am addicted to chocolate milk, so there’s no way I could possibly stop anyways.
**These Chocolate Straws are Great, You Don’t Even Need to Add Chocolate Then**
**Apparently Chocolate Milk is the Official Drink of Halloween. I had no idea… haha**
What I a fantastic blog! I enjoyed reading it while I ate my big bowl of cerel with MILK! Oh and are those straws really that good?
Hey, thanks for commenting! I am glad you like it 😀 The straws work pretty well, but to be honest i prefer just drinking chocolate milk the regular way. My sisters love the straws though so i guess it just depends!
and I thought it was bad
It is. It can cause heart diseases and strokes.
If it causes heart disease and strokes how come doctors say it doesn’t. I’ve been addicted to chocolate milk for over 3 years. I’ve gained weight but I feel good about having something good to drink instead of soft drinks. I’ve always disliked soft drinks (except root beer) anyway. It just tastes terrible to me and it doesn’t help my body at all. Milk is good for you. And chocolate milk tastes great.
okay but didnt help with my studies 🙁
i thought i was the only person addicted to chocolate milk LMAO i literally drink it like 3 times a day