Did you know that milk is one of the most localized foods in your grocery store?
Because fluid milk is so perishable, it is often in a grocery store within a day or two of leaving the cow! There is no reason to be guilted into spending the extra money at a high-end grocery store that touts “local” products. Just buy the brand of milk you like the taste of at a store near you.
Milk is one of the most local products you can buy today. Most milk does not travel more than 50 miles from your location.
Here’s how to find out where your milk is from:
Step 1: Look for the code
To find where your milk is from, you only have to look for the manufacturer’s code. All milk jugs in the U.S. have a code near the top by the lid. It is usually a 5-digit number. The first 2 digits are a state code and the next 3 are a milk processing plant code.
Step 2: go to the website- Where is my milk from
The website http://whereismymilkfrom.com/ will tell you where the manufacturing plant that made your milk or dairy products. and type in the code and find out exactly where your milk came from.
The same goes for yogurt, butter, creamer, ice cream, and more! Thank you for supporting your local dairy farmers.