This is a PETAesque article reflecting how PETA framing works- in other words, how PETA uses words to manipulate how people see things.
The following is how a plants rights activist might describe plant treatment in today’s world using PETA’s belief framing:
WARNING: 10 shocking images that will make you never want to eat plants again. GRAPHIC AND HORRIFIC.
1. Plant Murder occurs daily
Every day, BILLIONS of plants are brutally murdered for food
2. Plants living in Factory Farms and Crowded Conditions
Did you know the majority of plants come from Factory farms and live in crowded conditions barely even able to spread their leaves.. ☹
3. Plants living in Unnatural Living Environment
Many of the plants we eat today never even get to touch real soil or breath fresh air. Plants roots are FORCED to grow water and only given unnatural fake sunlight as food.. Whatever happened to a plant just being able to be a plant
4. Disfigured plants are getting their Limbs cut Off
Machines are routinely used to literally CUT OFF the arms and fingers of plants ..
5. Plant Hormones, You’re eating plant Ovaries
Newsflash, Apples are plant OVARies and not meant to be eaten by humans. You see because fruits are female sex organs they are LOADED with HORMONES. It’s meant ONLY as food for baby plants.. DON’T eat baby plant growth food.
6. Plants are full of Infections and Bacteria
Many plants today suffer from Bacterial, Viral, and Fungal INFECTIONS because of improper care.. many of the plants we eat today are loaded with BILLIONS of bacteria cells. A teaspoon of soil generally contains between 100 million and 1 billion bacteria. And plants are forced to grow in these conditions. I wouldn’t eat plant infections, yuck.
7. Plants are Continuously Tortured
Some people purposefully TORTURE plants for fun!
8. Plants are forcibly Impregnated and Raped
Did you know that Factory Farms that produce almond milk use slave bees to FORCABLY IMPREGNATE plants so they can produce food year after year..
9. Plants are forced to grow faster
Plants are given Industrial and chemically produced food to FORCE them to grow faster.
10. Plants aren’t good for you- You don’t need to eat plants
Did you know these shocking facts about plants: Source
Of all the people born in 1865 who later ate vegetables, there has been a 100% mortality rate.
96% of people who ate vegetables in 1920 now have wrinkles, or worse, are dead!
99% of cancer sufferers admit to eating vegetables at some time in their life.
82% of ex-cons who committed another crime report to have eaten vegetables whilst in prison.
98% of underachievers ate vegetables during high school.
100% of women who have suffered from PMS have eaten vegetables at some time in their life.
9 out of 10 drug addicts that relapse have eaten vegetables while attending rehab.
Do your part and end plant torture- Stop Eating Plants. #plantlivesmatter
These may seem over the top, but from a dairy farmer’s perspective, these PETA frames are very hurtful- they’re hurtful because they try to imply that dairy farmers don’t care about animals, which is the opposite of what I spend every day doing, trying to make the farm a better place for the animals.
Most dairy farmers do have the best interest of the cows in mind because happy cows give the most milk. It is some sort of karmic, universal law that protects animals. If you treat others well, they treat you well. Dairy farmers aren’t evil murderers or torturers, just people like everyone else.
This article was simply brilliant! I loved every bit of it! This is probably the best approach I’ve ever heard, love it!
I just came across your site and can’t wait to browse around. We are currently new “homesteaders” and plan to get a dairy cow in the future. We are raising our animals naturally, humanely and spoiling them 😊. I get offended too when people think just because we have farm animals or eat their eggs or raise them for meat, is pure torture. If only they knew how well animals are treated from farmers who actually care.
I had one subscriber tell me she wouldn’t read my blog anymore because I did a blog post on “How To Raise Chickens Naturally”, and she couldn’t support my blog anymore because she was vegan 🙄.
Anyways, great post!
Lots of amusement on this one. A really funny article this one!
The most common form