A baby Calf named Chocolate
In February, our dairy had the pleasure of getting a little newborn calf. She was born to proud parents (mom) Cali and (dad) Lou.
Chocolates Stats: Born: February 13, 2013 Height: 2 ½ feet tall Weight: 85 lbs.Baby gets a Name
She didn’t have a name, so a school class took up the challenge to find her a fitting name. The whole class got to vote for their favorite name. They came up with a bunch of very creative names including Ms. Sprinkles, Twinkle Toes, Lollipop, Reese’s Pieces, Chocolate, Flower, Disco, Becky, Julie, Crystal, Batgirl, Catwoman, Traya, Princess Leia, Kayley, and Buttercup.
Eventually the votes were counted, and she was officially named Chocolate. As I understand it, she was named chocolate because she was born close to Valentine’s Day.
Chocolates first few weeks
**Chocolate in her playpen. She had her own individual pen to grow up for the first couple of weeks so she could develop her immune system and get healthy and strong**
**While in her playpen, Chocolate’s hobby was exploring. She absolutely loved playing and sleeping in the fluffy straw**
**You can read about how we took care of Chocolate and the other babies in a previous post I did about taking care of the baby cows here**
Chocolates getting older
**Chocolate is older now. She got to move to a new pen with all her friends. Her friends are all about the same age**
**Chocolate pretending to talk, I think she said “hey, what’s up”**
**Chocolate hanging out with her friends. Chocolate still loves relaxing in the straw**
**Chocolate is growing up, and doesn’t drink milk anymore. Her digestive system is changing! You can read more about the changes Chocolate is going through here**