The cows Get Out
Question – What do you do when you have a large portion of your herd escape their pen at 1am?
Do you:
a. Go back to bed, and deal with it in the morning
b. Panic, and run around with your arms flailing
c. Try to wake up, and go round them up
d. Wake up your brother, tell him to take care of it and go back to bed
I will admit I wanted to choose d. the other night, but unfortunately I’m too nice to do that. There were a series of tumultuous events that took place the other night that led to an inconvenient escape of a bunch of cows on the dairy. (of course it had to happen in the middle of the night)
Just kidding, there weren’t really any series of events, just a broken snap on the gate. Cows are extremely curious creatures, and when they found the gate open, they decided to go exploring. Naturally they moooed out to their friends about their finding, and went off into the dark.
Herd Mentality
Cows have a very strong herd mentality so they don’t stray randomly in all directions. So that definitely makes it easy to round them all up. They also don’t like straying too far from the lit up areas of the dairy. It’s almost like they are scared of the dark.
They wandered around the dairy for awhile. It was like they were on a sightseeing mission looking for interesting things to see. You could probably equate it to a fieldtrip, except for them it was a literal trip to the field.
It’s a good thing they aren’t hard to round up. In fact, they actually were all heading back towards their pen anyway. That’s where the food is.. So even though they enjoyed the freedom wandering around the dairy, they still preferred their comfortable home. The old saying goes, “there’s no place like home” and I think the cows would definitely agree with that.
Your post reminds me of Gary Larson’s Far Side cartoons which often used cows as a subject. Our cows aren’t dairy but spend all their time in pastures, and when they get out at night, always send a snitch to our bedroom window and squeal on the rest before kicking up her heels and joining the rest in the neighbor’s field.
Oh yeah, I like those those cartoon too. Cow humor haha. Its annoying when they get out, but it keeps things interesting 😀