10 Viral Videos that show the True Nature of Cows
When it comes to the internet, cats are not the only animals to star in viral videos. There have actually been many viral videos staring cows.
While these viral videos are fun to watch, you can learn a great deal about the nature of cows just by watching them. Here are 10 videos that communicate the nature of cows and the lessons we can learn from them
1. Serenading the cattle with my trombone (Lorde – Royals)
Lesson: Cows are extremely curious; they like to be in the know
2. Happy cows at Wyke Farms doing the spring dance
Lesson: Cows love to explore, and have sensory overloads when moving to a new place
3. Boxer Puppy greeted by a herd of cows
Lesson: Even though cows can smell up to 6 miles away, they still love smelling things up close (source)
4. Jazz for Cows
Lesson: Cows have an affinity for music
5. Cow Mooing for her friend
Lesson: Cows have friends; they are social animals (source)
6. Swinging cow brush SCB DeLaval
Lesson: Cows love to be pampered
7. Cow opens farm gate using tongue
Lesson: Cows are not the dumbest animals on the farm
8. Vaca Inteligente – (smart cow)
Lesson: Cows know how to work the system
9. Smart Cows? Cows take themselves out to pasture and return back on their own
Lesson: Cows are creatures of habit
10. Cows chasing a RC car around a field
Lesson: Cows make their own fun
Bonus: Udderly Amazing: Girl Teaches Cow to Jump
Lesson: Cows can be a girl’s best friend